Videos from the Washington Institute

Shabbat Dinner

In September 2013 students and former students of the Washington Institute attended a Shabbat dinner at my home in Washington, DC. Each and every one of my students gives me a mission and purpose to teach them about the Jewish religion, which has been my lifes touchstone. Interviews with some of my students in this video will give the viewer a chance to better understand their journeys into Judaism.

Video by Aaron Fensterheim ~ Click arrow to begin.

Teaching Judaism Understanding Tradition

Double-click video to expand to full screen; Esc to return.

Bernice K. Weiss: 20-Year Celebration as a Rabbi ~ January 23, 2010

In 2010 the students and former students of the Washington Institute decided to honor Rabbi Bernice Weiss for her work and dedication to those who want to learn more about Judaism and those interested in entering the family of Judaism. This celebration on Capital Hill, hitting a benchmark of 20 years as a rabbi, honors her dedication and devotion to her students and her life’s commitment to her work.

Double-click video to expand to full screen; Esc to return.

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